
Stops come quicker than I thought...

First thing I want to say is WOW!!! Special price for single parents... Babysitter for a max of 1.5 hours while I work out. Sign me UP... The YMCA great system. New Building.. Huge Free weight section... Signed up... Now I figured since I got set up on my first stop I would go ahead and start working on my second stop. Lacrosse... Great Game, unfortunately there isn't much demand for it. I have posted a request for any information on an adult league on craigslist.org... Reply already. Not sure how much its going to cost and not sure how competitive it is but hey I am going to call about it tonight. Its for adults but I guess there are some high school kids on it as a request from the highschool coaches. No problem when I played in Europe I played with 12-49 yr olds. it made the game more fun... I just need to make sure that the practice's and game's wont interfere to much with daily life. I am also looking into finding a Girls team that my daughter can play on so I can assist the coaches. BTW... I want to make sure you all know that I am not unhappy I am just realizing that as you get older life goes faster. There have been a lot of, "I will do that when life slows down" moments in my life. My goal is to keep up with life stop waiting for the right moment life is passing me by and I need to move along with it... My friends are great, my family is great, and the community that helps with my kids are great... We will catch up with life and enjoy every moment.

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