
Tools of the Trade

These are where I list the tools that I use for my job. I do change it around a lot and most the better tools are easier and more productive on Linux machines. A lot of these tools are rated at www.seclist.org 1. Cain and Able - Packet sniffer - Password Recovery tool... This is a great tool and surprising enough it is for Windows... http://www.oxid.it/cain.html 2. Nessus - Vulnerability Scanner - Unix based great Vunerabilty scanner over 11,000 plug-ins http://www.nessus.org/ 3. Retina -Vulnerability Scanner - Windows based Vulnerability scanner. I am a strong believer that you should use multiple tools for Scanning. http://www.eeye.com/html/Products/Retina/index.html - Retina is a great tool but I am currently testing out a couple of other tools to see if I want to replace Retina. Penetration testers need great tools and great reporting rigt now I am really looking at GFI LANGaurd - http://www.gfi.com/lannetscan/ 4. Kismet - Wireless Scanning - I actually have this loaded on my IPAQ. This is fun... I just started playing around with Wireless testing. http://www.kismetwireless.net/ 5. Paros Proxy - Web Vulnerability Scanner - Probably not the best tool but was the first I learned to use and I ave fun with it. http://www.parosproxy.org/

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