
Save the Children Part one

I am a firm believer that Marijuana prohibition should come to an end. I have researched and talked to lots of professionals to come up with my beliefs and which side of the fence I should stand on. I believe Marijuana should be legalized for medical purpose and legalized for responsible adults. I believe that with laws comparable to Alcohol and Tobacco marijuana would become a recreation that many adults could responsibly enjoy and will help society more than harm it. I am not alone in these beliefs and I am not ignorant to believe that everyone believes the same thing as me. I have discussed my beliefs with many people and have come across my fair share of debates. I have made posts in many places challenging people to debate me on the issue. The main debate I get is about the children of a community. “Legalization will make it easier for children to have access to Marijuana.” To this I have one main point that needs to be made. All organizations for the end of Marijuana prohibition have all agreed that no one under the age of 21 should be able to gain access to Marijuana when it becomes legal. I am also going to add in there that in some states where Marijuana has been either decriminalized or legalized for medical purposes have special penalties in place for underage use and possession near or on school grounds. This is like Alcohol and tobacco in many ways. Here in New York Smoking on school grounds in prohibited. Selling or giving cigarettes or alcohol to a minor can land you a fine or incarceration. Why would this be any different than Marijuana. No one is saying that marijuana use should be encouraged when it comes to the children. Marijuana has been on an increase since 1972 among High School children while Smoking has been decreasing over the same time frame. Why is this? Smoking Cigarettes has become monitored and taxed by the government for years. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s I was able to walk up to a machine that was taller than me and put three quarters in and get a pack of cigarettes. No one would look twice at me or tell me I wasn’t allowed to buy them. There was a sign everywhere that said you must be 18 to buy tobacco. No one cared. Years later people were fined for selling cigarettes to minors, television ads were showing the lungs after years of smoking and children were taught about the hazards of smoking cigarettes. This is because of years of research and tests that have proven smoking is bad for you. There have been many people researching the benefits of marijuana for medical use there has also been research that has been reaccomplished since the early 70’s to prove that Marijuana does not cause cancer, does not make you schizophrenic and will not make you want to grab a needle full of heroin. This is the time on information. Children grow up learning how to search the Internet to learn about what ever they want. Children go to class to hear how bad marijuana is and then search the Internet to realize that they were taught inaccurate and embellished information. This is a discredit to our school systems and to our teachers. You gain a lot of respect from the young of a community by teaching them the truth. Well then how do you teach your children not to use Marijuana? My first response to this question is always another question, How do you teach your children not to drink alcohol? This usually gets the response that they teach their children that alcohol is illegal until they turn 21. Why not teach children that marijuana is illegal until they turn 21? The people that I run across that do not understand this way of thinking are those that have never done a minute of research on their own about marijuana. I hear things like, “All stoner’s are lazy and can not hold a job.” or, “everyone I know that smokes weed is stupid.” I again have an easy response to these. “how many alcoholics have a problem holding down a job?” then there is the, “If a stupid person is stupid and you see them smoke marijuana you blame the marijuana, is it possible the person was stupid to begin with?”

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