
Dead Beat Parents

Another Holiday season come and gone. Another gift giving time where my daughter axiously awaits the package that her mother promised and another disappointing time for my daughter. "Maybe it is lost in the mail" "Maybe she couldn't send it because she had to much school work." "Maybe she couldn't afford to send it, she does have 2 other children dad" These are the reasons she has come up with this year. 10 years of this crap and I can not understand how this girl can sit here and wait time and time again. No phone call, no card, nothing... I found her mother on myspace, what a wonderful sight. A woman with a child she has seen 2 times in the past 10 years. Two children with her current husband that is serving in Iraq and here is her Myspace. The Profile picture, her making out with a guy on the couch. You would think it would be a picture of the husband that is serving the country in Iraq, YOU WOULD BE WRONG!!! This is some 20 year old guy who in her words, "Would give up everything to have more babies with." Why does my daughter have such an image of this woman? How I wish I could show these pictures to my daughter and say, "This is the woman that gave birth to you, do not think she is the perfect woman." I vowed the day the divorce was final that I would never talk bad about the mother of my child, I would never hurt the image of this woman that gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Why is this woman making it so hard for me to keep this promise? Please help me figure out what to do? Please let me hear your story about the dead beat parent in your childrens lives. Let me know I am not the only one out there that has these issues with the egg/sperm donor in your childrens lives.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

The only advice that I can give you from my own personal experience on this subject is...No matter how much you want to say something bad, don't. When I divorced my daughter's father, I decided not to ever talk ill of him (in front of her). In the past almost 20 years, my daughter has seen her father all of one time and talked to him on the phone maybe twice. From the age of about 5 to 12 or 13 this really bother her. Then she got to the point that the last time that he called, she refused to even talk to him.
He has missed seeing her grow up, go to proms, win sports awards, graduate in the top of her class and finally get married.
These are the type of thing that you, I and other parents of children with "Dead Beat Parents" get to enjoy. The "Dead Beat Parents" are the ones missing out.
Once my daughter asked me why her father didn't love her? I told her through tears that, it is not that he doesn't love you he just doesn't know how to be a parent."
My view on "Dead Beat Parents"...if you can't own up to the responsibility don't have children in the first place.
Take care, things have a way of working out =)