
No Such Thing as Reverse Discrimination

Today I was listening to the morning radio show on my way to work. They started discussing some election stuff like everyone now that the primaries are happening. They started talking about Clinton and Obama. Now being a registered republican in Albany New York I can only vote in the Republican Primaries. It really doesn't matter because I am probably going to write in my vote. Anyway this radio station mentioned the words reverse discrimination. These words, when put together drive me crazy. I am a middle class white male in my thirties, I have not been reverse discriminated against, I have been discriminated against. There is no such thing as reverse discrimination, discrimination is horrible who ever you are. This was brought up because they were talking about black votes are going to Obama and woman and idiots are voting for Bill's wife. Election time brings out the idiots of all kinds. I for one would love to see a Black Woman in Office. I have no issues voting for a person that has views closer to me than anyone else. If I stood up and said I am not voting for Obama because he is black, then I am a racist. If a black man stands up and says he is voting for Obama because he is Black he is patted on the back. I was actually talking to a friend of mine and a coworker the other day who are both Black. My friend said he was going to vote for McCain. The Coworker actually got pissed at my friend because he is not voting for the Black person that is running. Am I horrible because I will never vote for McCain, I am a Veteran and so is he. I am not voting for "my kind" Who is a Black woman suppose to vote for? Does she turn her back on her race or gender? Vote for those you agree on and leave the skin tone and gender out of it.


Doug Goff said...

Dude that could not have been put better! It's so true that you cannot even add any humor to it. I prefer Hilary in some views although I mostly I agreed with Giuliani. I picked Hillary in the primaries due to my gut feeling but not because of political preference. What America needs to realize is that no matter who wins, it wont be a Bush!

Kelly said...

Hey there! Blogging About Flugpo nominated you for the Excellent Blogger Award! Now, the rules are for you to nominate 10 blogs for excellence. Here is where you were nominated

Keep up the excellent blogging!
