
The Wedding

I am sitting in court right now and of course my mind is thinking about the wedding 5 years ago that brought me into Divorce Court today. Seperated for over 2 years now and we are still dealing with all of this crap.

I am reminded of the last wedding I attended as a guest. Actually, as I think about it is the only wedding that I have been to where I was not in it, as the groom or in the wedding party. It was actually pretty relaxing.

One of the relatives and I sat there at the reception talking about the excitement of wedding while going though a divorce. I disagreed with a lot of the things he was saying. He kept bad mouthing marriage and how horrible the concept is.

My cousin (the Bride) ended up over hearing some of his comments. I could not handle it, here is my baby cousin on her wedding day over hearing some bitter guy talking about something that this young lady was dreaming about forever. She was happy and I couldn't let anything upset that.

I ended up taking my cousin aside and telling her that although I am a 2 time divorcee and I have sworn off marriage I was excited for her.

This world is a rough one and fighting all the little battles we as humans face is tough and draining on the soul. Marriage is saying to someone tha you want to take on your own battles and help them fight the world with their battles. Marriage is an institution that is amazing if both parts combine powers to take on the world. The problem is when the two parties involved fight their seperate battles and disregard the other person or turn it into a fight against this team mate you have selected.

When someone is part of a marriage they sometimes deny that they have weaknesses and need help with things in the world that are attacking them. They end up hiding these battles from their partner and when the battle turns into a war they forget that the ally is waiting there as backup incase you need help or maybe just provide a little obsticle so you can rest and be refreshed for another battle. The goal in a marriage is to provide support and assistance in all you do as a couple or as individuals. Managing each battle as two is so much easier than as individuals as long as you don't get in each others way.

It is important to know that when a person in a marriage has the ability to communicate with their partner about everything then marriage is a wonderful amazing thing. The problem always exists when things are kept from each other and the battles of life start beating you.

I am not sure if she understood this and I am not sure if it makes sence to anyone other than me. But I hope that no one else has to feel the pain that I am feeling right now as I am waiting to get called in front of the judge.

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