
Winter Driving in NY vs Alaska

I grew up in NY and learned to drive in NY snow. I am used to seeing cars falling apart due to the rust. NY is pretty good at snow removal using a lot of plows and throwing salt on the roads. It was a large surprise when I left NY and moved to Alaska. One of the first things I noticed in Alaska was that there were more older cars with very little rust. Snow removal was of course better than in NY and I soon noticed that they were not using salt on the roads. They would lay sand down but I never saw salt on the roads. Now I am back in NY and wondering why NY thinks it is better to put salt on the roads. I know that it is my responsibility to make sure that the salt from the roads is cleaned off my car so it doesn't rust. I really thought about this. Alaska receives a lot more snow and for a longer period of time though out the year. I do believe that Alaska will not put salt on the roads because with 7-8 months of the year getting snow would rust the cars on the road way to fast. But why can't NY come up with a better way of removing snow from the roads? Thinking about this I also thought of something else and it may show my ignorance but let me know what you think about this. During winter you see dead Deer all over the sides of the highways. I know that Deer love salt and throwing a salt lick in the back yard will grantee some great pictures of deer from the porch. Does putting salt on the roads to help with ice attract the deer to the roads? or is it a different type of salt? If I am on the right track if NY was to stop putting salt on the road not only would cars last longer but there would be a lot less accidents do to deer in the roads.

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